


DockerInit » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (cryptogopher, 2022-04-28 21:17) → Revision 2/10 (cryptogopher, 2022-04-28 21:36)

h1. Container @init@ process 

 To enable running multiple processes, containers require process/service management. This is normally provided by some kind of @init@ task (e.g. provided by @sysvinit@). 

 There are Docker-compatible replacements for full-fledged @init@s. Unfortunately they require either custom init scripts or service configurations. configuration. The process of migration from system provided OpenRC init scripts is time consuming and error prone. 

 Usage of system's default @sysvinit@ is hampered by following shortcomings: 
 * it mostly does not respond to Unix signals, which are used by Docker to manage containers (most importantly: signal termination), 
 * it does not stop properly on container stop. Attempt to stop container with @init@ as PID 1 ends with error code 137: 
 CONTAINER ID    IMAGE                   COMMAND         CREATED               STATUS                        PORTS    NAMES 
 b755c0f1b1d8    gentoo-base:20220415    "/sbin/init"    About a minute ago    Exited (137) 9 seconds ago           gentoo-base 
 @init@ process remains running afterwards: 
 # docker-compose top 
 UID      PID      PPID     C     STIME     TTY       TIME         CMD 
 root     3510     3489     0     17:40     ?       00:00:00     init [0] 

 Nevertheless it is possible to use @sysvinit@ as a Docker container @init@ process. Required steps are following: