h1. Preparing new release # Sync locale strings across language files (add test to check for differences? or execute system tests in different locales?). # Make sure all tests pass on each merged issue branch, on all supported Redmine versions: ## Start in Redmine's directory:
cd /var/lib/redmine
## (only before 1st run) prepare database (load default data separately, https://www.redmine.org/boards/2/topics/48044):
RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:migrate
RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate NAME=issue_recurring
RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake redmine:load_default_data
## run tests (migration tests run separately as they are not run within transaction and can leave db in unspecified state when failing):
RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:test NAME=issue_recurring
RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:test:migration NAME=issue_recurring
## (optionally) rerun failing tests separately:
RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec ruby plugins/issue_recurring/test/integration/issue_recurrences_test.rb --name test_create_recurrence --verbose
# [[Common_git_operations#Merge-branch-into-master|Merge]] all outstanding branches into master. # Rerun above tests on @master@ branch if there were: ## multiple branches merged, ## conflicts during merge. # Update source:CHANGELOG.md and source:README.md: *Features* and compatibility list in *Installation* paragraphs. # Bump plugin version number in source:init.rb. # Commit and push changes. # Create and push git tag with new version number:
$ git tag -a 1.1
$ git push origin 1.1
# Close corresponding issues (if not closed by appropriate commit messages). # Update plugin information on https://redmine.org/plugins/issue-recurring # Add release news on IT https://it.michalczyk.pro/projects/issue-recurring/news # Add new version on IT https://it.michalczyk.pro/projects/issue-recurring/settings/versions