{{>toc}} h1. Screenshots h2. Issue view h3. Statistics of cast votes, list of user's votes and new vote form {{thumbnail(issue.png, size=800)}} h3. QRcode for easy address access from mobile wallet {{thumbnail(qrcode.png, size=800)}} h2. My token votes view h3. List of user activated votes {{thumbnail(my-votes.png, size=800)}} h3. List of tokens available for withdrawal {{thumbnail(my-tokens.png, size=800)}} h3. Withdrawal form and list of withdrawals {{thumbnail(my-withdrawals.png, size=800)}} h3. Administrative view for processing withdrawals into transactions {{thumbnail(my-transactions.png, size=800)}} h2. Plugin settings view h3. Plugin settings {{thumbnail(settings.png, size=800)}} h3. New token type form {{thumbnail(settings-new-token-type.png, size=800)}}