Preparing new release » History » Revision 10
Revision 9 (cryptogopher, 2019-06-26 21:43) → Revision 10/37 (cryptogopher, 2019-06-26 21:43)
h1. Preparing new release # [[Common_git_operations#Merge-branch-into-master|Merge]] all outstanding branches into master, close corresponding issues. # Make sure all tests pass, on all supported Redmine versions: <pre> $ RUBYOPT="-W1" rake redmine:plugins:test NAME=issue_recurring </pre> # Update update *Features* and *Changelog*. # Bump plugin version number in source:init.rb. # Commit and push changes. # Create and push git tag with new version number: <pre> $ git tag -a 1.1 $ git push origin 1.1 </pre> # Update plugin information on # Add release news on Redmine