task #49
openCannot delete an issue with reopen/in-place recurrence after renewal
Redmine version:
If the issue reopen by plugin i cant delete that issue.
In logs I see:
I, [2024-03-26T06:03:49.459194 #26020] INFO -- : [89752bd5-706f-4560-9712-36471bf87904] Started DELETE "/issues?back_url=%2Fissues&ids%5B%5D=35" for at 2024-03-26 06:03:49 +0000
I, [2024-03-26T06:03:49.461915 #26020] INFO -- : [89752bd5-706f-4560-9712-36471bf87904] Processing by IssuesController#destroy as HTML
I, [2024-03-26T06:03:49.462015 #26020] INFO -- : [89752bd5-706f-4560-9712-36471bf87904] Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"jHT64RgngtGuAI5RAvNakJsgiBPSapCMpJpyK9zysAAiC8M7kY1kvoCtcMqlTGRkjfeG2PafsG86Aj5+GL9Z1g==", "back_url"=>"/issues", "ids"=>["35"]}
I, [2024-03-26T06:03:49.470756 #26020] INFO -- : [89752bd5-706f-4560-9712-36471bf87904] Current user: Tikhomirov (id=5)
I, [2024-03-26T06:03:49.609879 #26020] INFO -- : [89752bd5-706f-4560-9712-36471bf87904] Completed 409 Conflict in 148ms (ActiveRecord: 62.4ms | Allocations: 19420)
F, [2024-03-26T06:03:49.610853 #26020] FATAL -- : [89752bd5-706f-4560-9712-36471bf87904]
[89752bd5-706f-4560-9712-36471bf87904] ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError (Attempted to destroy a stale object: Issue.):
[89752bd5-706f-4560-9712-36471bf87904] app/models/issue.rb:262:in `rescue in destroy'
[89752bd5-706f-4560-9712-36471bf87904] app/models/issue.rb:250:in `destroy'
[89752bd5-706f-4560-9712-36471bf87904] app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:463:in `block in destroy'
[89752bd5-706f-4560-9712-36471bf87904] app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:461:in `each'
[89752bd5-706f-4560-9712-36471bf87904] app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:461:in `destroy'
[89752bd5-706f-4560-9712-36471bf87904] lib/redmine/sudo_mode.rb:61:in `sudo_mode'
and empty html page.
I can delete the issue only when the plugin is removed and the host is rebooted.
What i can do with that?
Updated by cryptogopher 6 months ago
- Subject changed from Cannot delete a issue to Cannot delete an issue with reopen/in-place recurrence after renewal
- Status changed from new to in progress
SpaceScum wrote in #note-1:
May be it's happening because the issue has a recursive link on the itself?
Good catch! I have confirmed, that it's impossible to delete issue with reopen recurrence after it has been at least once renewed. I will fix it in the coming days.