


task #24

Updated by cryptogopher about 4 years ago

* to allow creation of journal only on recurrences which don't cause new issue creation. This may e.g. allow for creating better email notification experience. When you have email notifications set to inform about new issues, you may not need to have 2nd one for journal entry addition on base issue in 'copy issue' or 'copy last recurrence of issue' modes. On the other hand 'in-place' mode does not create new issue. So to trigger email notification on new recurrence you may want to have journal entry added on it.

* add settings processing in SettingsController
** convert settings to proper data type (e.g. int; currently all setting values are stored as strings)
** check settings validity and -reject settings if invalid- correct if invalid
* update code to account for new add_journal setting values and value types
* migrate add_journal settings from true/false to: :always/:inplace/:never
** add conversion to db migration: up ['true' -> :always, nil -> :never], down [:never -> nil, :always/:inplace -> 'true']
* update system and integration tests test with new add_journal setting values and value types
