



Preparing new release » History » Revision 35

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cryptogopher, 2022-10-19 22:01

Preparing new release

  1. Sync locale strings across language files (add test to check for differences? or execute system tests in different locales?).
  2. Make sure all tests pass on each merged issue branch, on all supported Redmine versions:
    1. Start in Redmine's directory:
      cd /var/lib/redmine
    2. (only before 1st run) prepare database (load default data separately,
      RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:migrate
      RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate NAME=issue_recurring
      RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake redmine:load_default_data
    3. run tests:
      RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:test NAME=issue_recurring
    4. (optionally) rerun failing tests separately:
      RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec ruby plugins/issue_recurring/test/integration/issue_recurrences_test.rb --name test_create_recurrence --verbose
  3. Merge all outstanding branches into master.
  4. Rerun above tests on master branch if there were:
    1. multiple branches merged,
    2. conflicts during merge.
  5. Update Features, Changelog and compatibility list in Installation paragraphs.
  6. Bump plugin version number in source:init.rb.
  7. Commit and push changes.
  8. Create and push git tag with new version number:
    $ git tag -a 1.1
    $ git push origin 1.1
  9. Close corresponding issues (if not closed by appropriate commit messages).
  10. Update plugin information on
  11. Add release news on IT
  12. Add new version on IT

Updated by cryptogopher over 2 years ago · 37 revisions

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